Monday, September 12, 2011

Happy things!

Ok, so after many, many complaints about german websites and file sharing websites across the Atlantic, I've decided to look for something better to share Kids Jam files. Today I'm here to inform you that I have! So by clicking on the link below, you will have access to all the Kids Jam files in one big online folder. ..."But which file shall I download!?" you might say. I would start with Kids Jam I,II and III, but we eventually play'em all.  Have fun and stock up on ink!

PS: I've also updated the link on the "Kids Jam" post as well.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

More Music

I've been so behind on everything these last few months that I've all but abandoned my blog... Not good. But I'll be back! It sucks to think of how long it actually takes to write an entry and I've been so behind on doing them, even with a million different things to share. Anyway, I'm running a quick post here to send out some music for any jammer who wants music that's a little more advanced and a few waltzes... gotta love'em. Most of the kids don't care too much for them, but they should know that they do win fiddle championships... and the ladies.
Well, here are a few waltzes and some other tunes that every fiddler should know. Don't forget, click on the link below and if they ask you if you want to create an account click "no" and then click on "slow download".