Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Elijah Harper and the Vuvuzela

If you've been watching FIFA's World Cup 2010, you've probably noticed the horrible buzzing sound emanating from your television. That is the sound of the vuvuzela. Or better, thousands of them...
I'll be fair. You should need a license to own one of these... A prerequisite would be two semesters of classes with (also) a licensed vuvuzela teacher. The vuvuzela teacher's license would then cost thousands of dollars, subject to approval (of course) by the Afghan Government. (they'll get there)

Hum... They say - "It's an African Culture thing" (Bull. It's actually Mexican, but thanks to "globalization" it crossed the Atlantic) - and - "Let's not try to give it a European feel". So let's come up with an alternative, shall we?

Come to think of it... Striking are the similarities between the violin and the vuvuzela... Both are loud, can be terribly irritating, and start with 'v'. Let's hope nobody comes up wit a 3 dollar plastic fiddle and starts selling them at stadiums... Maybe a few Banjos would do the trick.

I came a across an interesting tune the other day, called Elijah Harper's Reel, courtesy of one of my students. You'll find the sheetmusic for it here. I found it to be the exact same harmonic construction of another popular jig - Swallowtail. I love the "Celtic" licks and bounciness of it.

Traditionally, we would have a 1 and 2 ending for the first part, the 2 having the triplet leading into the second part. I'm not sure if this was written intentionally this way or not, but I found that playing that triplet to lead into the repetition of the first part also works very nicely. Be sure to play the bowings the way they are written, it adds so much to the rhythm.

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